


Associate Professor of Mission and World Christianity

电子邮件: hartleyb@bb-led.com
电话: 206-281-2715
办公室: 亚历山大 & 阿德莱德413号厅

教育: BS, Wheaton College (1992); MS, Michigan State University (1997); MDiv, Boston University (2000); ThD, 波士顿大学(2005). 自2021年起在SPU工作.

Ben Hartley joined the faculty of SPU in the fall of 2021 after previously serving at 乔治福克斯大学 (2016-2020) where he was a faculty fellow in the William Penn 荣誉项目. He was also on the faculty at Palmer Theological Seminary of Eastern University near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from 2005 to 2016. 他于2010年获得终身教职. In addition to teaching courses in the history of Christianity and mission at Palmer, he also served as Director of United Methodist Studies.  His most fun project during those years was designing with students a 22-stop walking tour of Philadelphia Methodism within an eight-block radius of the Liberty Bell in downtown Philadelphia.

At 网易彩票下载, he teaches courses in the University Foundations sequence and continues his scholarship in the history of the Protestant missionary movement, especially for the ways it intersects with the history of Methodism.  In 2018, 他收到了20美元,000 grant from the Louisville Institute to support his many archival research trips for a new biography of Nobel Peace Prize laureate John R. 莫特.  莫特 received the Nobel Peace Prize for his decades-long work organizing Christian student movements on five continents and for coordinating refugee relief efforts after World War 1. He has sometimes been called the “father” of the World Council of Churches, a global ecumenical 网work of over 300 denominations. 

Ben Hartley is an ordained deacon in the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. He is an occasional blogger at http://missionandmethodism.网.

请查看 Dr. 哈特利的简历 (PDF) for additional information. 

Transforming Teaching for Mission: Educational Theory and Practice


与Robert A .合编. 能源部, this book contains the proceedings of the 2014 annual meeting of the Association of Professors of Mission, an organization for which Ben Hartley served as president in 2013-14. It contains over a dozen essays on the teaching of missiology by new as well as seasoned scholars.

Evangelicals at a Crossroads: Revivalism and Social Reform in Boston, 1860-1910

University of New Hampshire Press, 2011

收件人, in 2007, of the Wesleyan Theological Society's "outstanding dissertation" award and the Jesse Lee Prize awarded once every four years by the General Commission on 存档s and History of the United Methodist Church.

在这本书里, Ben Hartley sheds light on the history of Methodist, 救世军, 浸信会, and nondenominational Christians for the ways they led social reform and evangelistic efforts in the late ni网eenth century. Immigrant evangelical leaders from Italy, Sweden, and elsewhere are also highlighted in this book. Examining the contested nature of revivalism and social reform in a particular city like Boston helps provide a basis for understanding the current divisions in American Christianity 今天.

The Deacon: Ministry through Words of 信仰 and Acts of Love

UMC General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 2000

与Paul E. 范布伦, Ben Hartley wrote this book while still a seminary student at Boston University 神学院. It was the first book-length examination of the Order of Deacon as it was re-conceptualized as an ordained office in the United Methodist Church at the 1996 General Conference.


“Early Evangelical Mission in the Long Eighteenth Century,” in The Oxford Handbook of Early Evangelicalism,乔纳森·耶格尔编辑. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming, 2022.

“Methodist Missionary Self-Understanding in the Pacific Northwest, 1838-1844,” 卫理公会历史 58(4), 2020: 215-230.

“Saving Students: European Student Relief in the Aftermath of WWI,” International Bulletin of Mission Research, 42(4), 2018, 295-315.