
  • 心理学 (majors, minor, tracks)
Interdisciplinary Program
  • 数据分析 (minor)

学士 of Arts and Bachelor of Science 心理学 majors are rigorous yet flexible programs designed to meet the American Psychological Association Guidelines for the Undergraduate 心理学 major while also fulfilling SPU’s mission to provide students with a 以基督教信仰为基础的变革和整体经验.

因此, 这些课程为你准备了广泛的领域知识; scientific and critical thinking skills; an awareness of diversity, ethics in practice, and social responsibility; effective oral and written communication skills; and professional-level training and experiences (e.g.、研究及 internship opportunities) for both careers and graduate school in psychology.








的 BA in 心理学 is designed for students with a broad range of career and graduate school interests such as, 但不限于, 临床心理学, counseling psychology, marriage and family therapy, 社会工作, 学校心理咨询, 以及工业和组织心理学.

Tracks for 心理学 BA

动物行为: 专为感兴趣的学生设计 training animals, working with owners and their pets, or seeking to become a 注册应用动物行为学家.

Clinical Counseling 心理学: 对于有兴趣在a工作的学生 therapeutic context, this track focuses information and experiences relevant to 临床心理学, counseling psychology, marriage and family therapy, as well as related graduate programs or jobs providing or researching the effectiveness of therapy or counseling.

社区心理学与行为心理健康: 集中 on social justice, community development, and social services for students wanting to pursue further training or work in 社会工作, nonprofit, community 发展,社会公正,公共卫生,社区行为健康.

跨文化: This track is specifically designed for students who want to work with minority populations, and students interested in the application of psychology to our increasingly multicultural and globalized society.

数据分析: Through coursework in statistics, 研究方法, 数据管理, 数据可视化, and basic programming, students gain an understanding not only of how to manage and analyze data but also how to use data to inform practice (e.g.(消费趋势、心理健康结果和规划). This track helps prepare students for positions such as analytics consultant, 数据分析师, 统计学家, 以及项目经理或其他业务管理职位.

Developmental 心理学: Coursework and experiences focus on change across the lifetime; best prepares students for graduate education and jobs in related areas 比如儿童早期生活专家.

Psychological Science: This track is designed for students with a broad range of career and graduate school interests such as, 但不局限于临床心理学, counseling psychology, marriage and family therapy, 社会工作, 学校心理咨询, 以及工业和组织心理学. 本课程所需学分最少(最少62学分), 36上部分, 在校期间至少修满20个学分). 因此, it provides students with the most flexibility in taking additional courses in psychology or other disciplines, 以及最大化的研究或实习经验. 

Social-personality 心理学: Emphasizes information and skills in social and personality psychology; prepares students for jobs or graduate programs in research, 数据分析, 程序开发, 和审查.

运动心理学: 对于有兴趣和运动员一起工作的学生 teams, this track focuses on sports psychology; it is designed for students 希望在相关领域找到工作或毕业.

  • A minimum 62–77 学分 are required for tracks in the BA 心理学 major, including 36上部分 学分.
  • Each track requires students to fulfill the core requirements for the BA while also completing specific or additional courses within a given track.
  • Of your major, at least 20 学分 must be earned at SPU.




的 BS in 心理学 is designed for students that are passionate about integrating psychology and natural sciences with the goal of pursuing careers or graduate programs such as 但不局限于临床心理学, 行为或认知神经科学, 以及动物行为.

的 BS program also prepares students for further study or employment in fields such as behavioral neurobiology, 健康心理学, and behavioral medicine.

Tracks for the 心理学 BS

Psychological Science: This track is designed for students with a broad range of career and graduate school interests but who are also passionate about integrating psychology and natural sciences. Students considering this track would be best prepared for careers or graduate programs such as, 但不限于:临床心理学, 行为或认知神经科学, 和动物行为. This track has the fewest 学分 required of our BS degrees (minimum of 88 学分, 50高级班, 在校期间至少修满20个学分). This lower credit requirement provides students with the most flexibility to take additional, strategic courses in 心理学 or other disciplines as well as maximize research or internship experiences.

动物行为: 从生物学和心理学的角度来研究行为,this track is designed for students  interested in jobs or graduate programs researching animal behavior.

行为与认知神经科学: Provides students with the knowledge and skills for graduate work or jobs in the 神经科学:神经科学和神经心理学的研究或应用.

  • A minimum 88–92 学分 are required for tracks in the BS 心理学 major, including 36上部分 学分.
  • Each track requires students to fulfill the core requirements for the BS while also completing specific or additional courses within a given track.
  • Of your major, at least 20 学分 must be earned at SPU.



的 心理学小 is designed to be flexible such that students can take 最适合他们职业或研究生目标的选修课程. 因此, 心理学辅修是许多专业的优秀辅修课程.

  • 这门辅修课程至少需要31个学分, including 15 upper-division.
  • Of your minor, at least 15 学分 必须在SPU获得,包括10个高级联赛.


Data analytics (DA) uses data-driven techniques to transform raw data into useful information — information that may be used to identify and solve problems, evaluate claims and make inferences, 并影响人类的决策和机器模型. 了解更多 about this interdisciplinary minor.


In order to earn a degree, you must complete at least one academic major. 上海外国语大学鼓励学生探索不同的学术路径, 所以如果你改变主意选大调还是小调, 或者想要包含一个额外的程序, you are able to do so, 如下所述.

Note that the University encourages you to enter your chosen major(s) and minor(s) by the start of your junior year. Students who transfer as juniors and seniors should enter a major within their first two quarters at SPU.

  • 如果这是你在西雅图大学的第一节课 and you identified a major in this department as your first choice on your application for admission to the University, you have gained entry to the major. To change or add a major or minor, follow these instructions.
  • 如果你是SPU学生,SPU累计GPA为2.0或更高, follow these instructions 主修:进入本系主修或辅修.
  • 留校察看学生(SPU累计GPA低于2).0) will not be permitted to enter a new major or minor until they regain good academic standing.
  • 这所大学要求成绩达到C或更高 in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, 某些课程可能要求更高的最低成绩. 为了获得更高的分数,你只能重修SPU的课程一次.
  • To advance in this program, 定期与指导老师讨论你的成绩, 课程进展, 以及其他令人满意的学业进步指标. If your grades or other factors indicate that you may not be able to successfully complete the major or minor, 你的指导老师可以和你一起探索各种选择, 这可能包括选择不同的主修或辅修.
  • 你必须完成主要或次要的要求 that are in effect in the SPU Undergraduate Catalog for the year you enter the major or minor.

时间表: 心理学


Suggested course sequences 帮助你及时完成你的学位.

Students outside walking


参观 心理学网站 看看心理学学位如何帮助你实现你的目标.