Winter 2022 DEI Workshop Series

多样性, 股本, and Inclusion (DEI) Workshop Series is a three-part professional development plan designed to equip employees with the habits of mind and tools to address diversity-related matters on campus and contribute positively to a culture of belonging at SPU. The series is guided by a belief that employees are better able to increase their diversity competencies when they have opportunity to develop this knowledge and skillset within the context of their professional roles. Upon completion of the series, we encourage participants to apply their learning to real-life situations on campus by working collaboratively towards the development of a department-level diversity action plan.


Required of all new employees/Open to all employees

Next session: Thursday, January 27, 2022, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. 在Percipio上注册 在这里. Zoom link provided after registration.

What do we mean by “diversity” at SPU, and why does it even matter? This introductory professional development workshop is divided into three parts and provides a shared language and framework for SPU employees to move forward productively in the work of diversity. Part I (the what) seeks to move participants from a narrow understanding of diversity that focuses on visible aspects of our social identities to a more complex understanding that includes an awareness of how institutional 偏见 can reproduce group-based inequities. Part II (the why) examines SPU’s biblically-informed rationale for this work and introduces participants to 西雅图 Pacific’s diversity timeline to provide context for current engagement around issues of diversity, 股本, 和包容. Part III (the how) provides an overview of the role and function of the Office of Inclusive Excellence and resources available to employees. The workshop concludes with a call to action for participants to commit to continued learning and engagement in SPU’s DEI efforts.

Can't make it this quarter? 多样性 101 will be offered again on April 14. 



Next session: Tuesday, February 15, 12–1 p.m. 在Percipio上注册 在这里. Zoom link provided after registration.

This workshop provides practical strategies for navigating difficult conversations in the workplace around issues of diversity, 股本, 和包容. Participants explore common examples of difficult dialogues; examine how past experiences, 偏见, and fears can trigger unproductive responses; and acquire tools to turn challenging situations into opportunities for growth. This session is intended for supervisors who want to learn how to communicate across differences more productively and with less stress and anxiety.

Can't make it this quarter? Navigating Difficult Conversations will be offered again on May 10. 

Posted: Monday, January 3, 2022