
The BioCORE学者计划 at 网易彩票下载 supports ethnic minority and first-generation college students traditionally underrepresented in biological and biomedical sciences. This leadership program works to build community, 促进学业成功, 建立师徒网络. BioCORE scholars participate in weekly study workshops and perform authentic research during a summer internship at SPU. 除了, scholars are paired with peer and faculty mentors and network with professional scientists in quarterly pizza meetings.

Applications for the 2024 BioCORE Scholars cohort are now closed. We will begin recruiting for the 2025 cohort in September 2024.

跟着网易彩票app走 Instagram to keep up with the latest BioCORE Scholars news and events!


SPU捐赠日是2024年4月3日! If 10 people give to the BioCORE Scholars program during 给一天, an additional $100 will be donated to the program (thanks to the generosity of an anonymoous donor). If the BioCORE学者计划 has the greatest number of donors among all of the campaigns, then we will receive an additional $1500. Please help us continue to support present and future BioCORE Scholars with your donation - no amount is too small. 请查阅网易彩票app给一天 更新页面.

了解更多有关 BioCORE学者计划

(非常感谢David Rither in 教育技术 & 媒体 为了制作本视频.)

The BioCORE学者计划 was also featured in “猎鹰”, SPU's student newspaper, The article, "BioCORE鼓励社区" was written by Lu Aleman and appeared on Oct. 24, 2018.

Congratulations to the BioCORE Scholars Class of 2023!


Photo of the six graduating BioCORE Scholars

During a special ceremony in June, the BioCORE学者计划 honored our six graduating Scholars. Each Scholar was formally presented and pinned by a faculty or staff member of their choosing. 网易彩票app的毕业生有:

  • Ayysta回家,生理学学士
  • insya Nehal,生理学学士
  • Geana尼古拉。,生理学学士
  • 艾薇·塔,生理学学士
  • Niyah Thurman,生物学学士
  • Esmeralda Vazquez-Sagrero, BA General Studies (Life Science emphasis)

Congratulations to all of our graduates - we are very proud of you!!

了解更多有关 前四届毕业班 BioCORE学者.



The 2023 BioCORE Scholars cohort and peer mentors

Meet our 2023 BioCORE Scholars, Peer Mentors and Learning Assistant! 前排, 左起:同侪导师Angie Moten, Ayysta回家, 贝拉贝, Geana尼古拉。, Insiya Nehal, 还有吉列尔莫·雷耶斯.
第二行, from left: Gum Nau (Learning Assistant), 学者罗茜·阿尔瓦雷斯-拉巴丹, 怜悯金, Arlet Diaz Romero, 和Chantli Adams.
后排, from left: Scholars Luis Perez-Aguilar, TaiAmari English-Henderson, 埃文·舒伯特, 布列塔尼鹿角, Makala妖怪, 信仰的钢铁洪流, 乔安娜·里奥斯·加西亚, 莉迪亚Gebrewolde, 和法拉·博斯韦尔. Not pictured: Krysta Reese (Learning Assistant)



Members of the 2022 BioCORE Scholars cohort spent winter and/or spring quarters working with SPU Biology faculty in their labs, and presented their research at the annual 生物核心学者研究研讨会 on May 25, 2023. 这些学者和他们的项目是:

请参阅 previous Research Week students and mentors.


幻灯片链接生物中心学者活动 and Events

Umoja BioPharma scientists and BioCORE Scholars

BioCORE Scholars regularly participate in community-building and networking activities, 包括社交活动, meetings with researchers and health care professionals, 还有其他事件.

Above: BioCORE Scholars attend the quarterly Speakers' Meeting in Octobers 2023, 有特别嘉宾, a panel of scientists from Umoja BioPharma.  科学家们, representing a diverse range of backgrounds, educational experiences and research positions, described their career paths and gave the Scholars great advice on getting positions in the biotech industry. One of the scientists, Erica Shirazi, is an alumnus of SPU (BS Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2019).

在上面的照片中, 从左到右:(后)Sunny Cheema, 伊莎贝拉舒伯特, 埃琳娜·富尔顿(Umoja BioPharma), Dr. Justin Ulrich-Lewis (Umoja BioPharma); (middle) Helen Kim (Umoja BioPharma), 法拉吉多, 把爪子, 刘慧玲(宇嘉生物制药), Dr. Mollie McDonnell (Umoja BioPharma), Erica Shirazi (Umoja BioPharma), Brittney鹿角, 信仰Toj, Makayla Bogle; (front) Gursagar Singh, 维克多·卡斯蒂略, Arlet Diaz Romero



Associate Professor and Co-Chair of Biology

电话: 206-281-2007
办公室: 伊顿 113



电话: 206-281-2985
办公室: 马斯顿 249

2015 BioCORE Scholars and Peer Mentors


Learn how Leslie Rodriguez-Salas '19 and Diana Cabrera '17 found community and academic support as part of the BioCORE学者计划.



埃琳娜Brezynski, Assistant Professor of Biology

“What I enjoy most is being in a classroom or lab talking with my students about biology. With the small class sizes at SPU, I know my students well and they know me. Questions and discussions flow best in smaller groups, 和活跃, lively participation is the way students make critical connections among biological topics.”