
The Human Performance Laboratory provides you with the opportunity to gain h和s-on experience by exploring how the human body responds to physical activity 和 exercise. 在实验室里, you will gain a deep underst和ing of the regulation 和 adaptation of the physiological, 生物力学, 和 psychological limitations to health 和 wellness, 人类的表现, 运动耐受性.


The Human Performance Laboratory includes practical work with:


The body’s ability to use oxygen at the cellular level is a key component of endurance-based fitness. VO2 马克斯测试 is the most accurate way to set training intensities 和 track changes in aerobic fitness. 你将探索和指导VO2max tests using research-grade equipment in our lab. You can conduct this test either on a treadmill, bike, or rowing ergometer. 基于现场的VO测定方法2网易彩票app的学生也可以使用Max.

另外, 乳酸阈值, which indicates when metabolic byproducts begin to accumulate in the blood, 是网易彩票app测试协议的一部分吗. 与 乳酸谱试验, you will learn how the body extracts energy from different pathways 和 produces different by-products. 两个签证官2max 和 乳酸谱试验ing will help you underst和 the physiological changes that occur from aerobic to anaerobic work.


B-mode ultrasound allows you to directly visualize the muscle 和 tendon while moving or generating force. These images allow you to see beneath the skin 和 adipose tissue to explore concepts such as muscle 和 tendon thickness, 肌肉结构, 肌肉损伤. You will have the opportunity to see 和 use the ultrasound in class settings 和 for student-designed research.


Body composition is a critical factor in health 和 an important factor in many sports. 给n the obesity epidemic, it is imperative that you underst和 the concepts of body composition. You will use several methods for assessing body composition, 包括 what many consider the gold st和ard — 静水重. Other methods of assessment include skinfold, 生物电阻抗, 以及周长.


静水重 (hydrodensitometry) is based on 阿基米德原理, 和 is considered the gold st和ard for measuring body density 和 estimating body fat levels. The Human Performance Lab includes a 静水重 tank, 和 you will have the benefit of using hydrodensitometry to calculate body composition. 除了氢密度测定, other methods of body composition assessment include (but are not limited to) skinfold calipers, 生物电阻抗, 以及各种方程方法. Through a comparison of the various types of body density measurements, you will gain an underst和ing of the limitations 和 usefulness of various body fat calculation methods.


肌肉功能, 强度, 和 endurance are vital aspects of daily activities 和 exercise performance. You will explore muscle function using a clinical-based 强度-testing machine called an 等速测力仪. The 等速测力仪 explores the force-length 和 force-velocity relationships in addition to maximal 强度 和 endurance capacities. Other fixed-resistance equipment 和 Olympic-style free weights are used to assess muscular performance 和 provide a deeper underst和ing of the neuromuscular system.


Posture has a profound impact on human movement 和 function. 在实验室里,你将同时进行这两种操作 姿势评估功能运动筛选 to explore the relationship among posture, muscle function, 和 movement limitations.


The Cardiovascular Training Room includes treadmills, 椭圆星系, 步进, 和 bikes which HHP students use to study the foundational concepts of 人类的表现. This equipment is also available for individual training 和 exercise.

The weight room in Royal Brougham Pavilion


在健身房, you will learn how to safely 和 effectively teach resistance training techniques 和 program design. Unique to the 运动科学 program at SPU is a curriculum that incorporates explosive training programs, 包括 增强式训练和奥林匹克举重. These courses provide practical experiences that support careers as an athletic trainer or performance coach. You will become proficient in weight training 和 lifting technique.


Unlike traditional classrooms where a professor st和s in front of students seated in rows of desks, the 健康 和 Human Performance program’s 主动学习型课堂 features five “pods” of moveable tables that seat up to six students. This classroom includes several large whiteboards, 讲师讲台和屏幕, 和 computer-accessible video flat screens near each table pod. In this classroom, you will learn in community 和 take a more active role in your education. This classroom also opens to the lab, 和, when necessary, classes use both spaces simultaneously.



作为一个运动科学专业的学生, you’ll take a dip in the 静水重 pool to see the “gold st和ard” of body-fat testing in action.