Common Questions 网易彩票app 实习

Here you’ll find answers to some of the most common questions our students ask about psychology internships.


Students engaged in a psychology internship will simultaneously take PSY 4940 心理学实习, a course designed to integrate practical experience in the workplace with academic theory. 心理学实习:

  • 让你参与 in a psychological setting in a “hands-on” capacity by working in that setting.
  • Allows you to apply learned concepts and methods while under the direction of faculty and on-site supervisors.
  • Allows you to explore career options or obtain career-related professional work experience before graduating.

Why is a psychology internship helpful?

A psychology internship provides “experiential learning” — engaging skill and understanding beyond classroom theory and knowledge. In some cases, an internship may even be paid.


  • 服务 社区.
  • 宝贵的经验 今天的就业市场.
  • 提振 if you’re interested in applying for graduate school.
  • 增加了信心 在专业互动中.
  • 学分 and fulfilling psychology course requirements.

When am I eligible for a psychology internship?

You may participate in the internship program as a junior or senior Psychology major, after completing at least one quarter (12 credits) as a matriculated SPU student. 然而, internships are designed to be an advanced experience that builds on course preparation in psychology. 例如, if you seek a placement working with the mentally ill, you should have successfully completed PSY 4460 心理障碍.

What are the criteria for an internship?

  • An internship setting and the activities you perform must be psychological in nature.
  • Your work must be overseen by an on-site supervisor who has successfully completed graduate training in a relevant psychological field.
  • You must meet with your on-site supervisor at least 30 minutes per week.
  • Your supervisor must agree to provide ongoing formative evaluations and a formal final evaluation of your work.
  • The site must provide at least five hours of experiential learning per week.

What kinds of psychology internships are available?

There are countless types of internships in psychology. They can be related to counseling or social services, human resource programs in organizations, psychological interventions in educational settings, 评价研究项目, 和更多的.

Pick up the current list of internship sites from Dr. 玛西娅韦伯, director of internships, or find a list at the bottom of the 学习合同 页面. If you do not find one that fits your interests, the 就业中心 and 调用 and the 心理学院,家庭, and 社区 will work with you to find one that does.


You may be able to turn your present position into a psychology internship experience. 与…预约 Dr. 玛西娅韦伯实习主任. Please note, though, that you may not receive credit retroactively for work already completed.


You may or may not be competing with other students to obtain a position in any particular site. A career counselor can assist you in putting together a resume and preparing you for a professional interview.

How many credits may I earn in an internship?

You may earn 1–5 credits of psychology internship per quarter. Academic expectations and number of on-site hours vary with the number of credits taken. 然而, the minimum hours at any internship site are five hours per week.

  • 每周5小时= 1-2个学分
  • 7.每周5小时= 3个学分
  • 每周10小时= 4个学分
  • 12.每周5小时= 5个学分


“As an undergraduate at the University of Washington, I decided to embark on a mission trip to Jerusalem to work in a rehabilitation center for children. 作为一名医学预科学生, I was expecting the trip to draw me toward the children’s physical ailments, but instead it clarified my passion for psychology.”



“While neither of my parents received a formal education, throughout my childhood they both emphasized the importance of learning and education.”