

西雅图太平洋神学院提供六种不同的 文学硕士(MA)学位. Two — 基督教的研究 and 基督教圣经 — are academically oriented degrees to prepare you for teaching and research in one of the theological disciplines, and are ideal for you if you are preparing for doctoral study. 另外四个是亚裔美国人部, 商业及应用神学、基督教领袖, and 和解与跨文化研究 — are professionally oriented degrees, which prepare you for specialized ministry in various contexts.

All six of these MA degrees in 神学 support SPU’s vision to engage the culture and change the world with the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. They are built on an integrated core curriculum consisting of courses in Scripture, 教会历史, 神学和伦理学, 精神的形成, 任务, 和部. The learning obtained from these fields of study is applied to the pressing needs of the contemporary church and the postmodern world.

每个学位都有自己的高级课程. 这些课程包括额外的圣经课程, 神学, 道德, 以及实际的事工, as well as suitable “interdisciplinary” courses offered by other SPU graduate programs, 包括商业和经济, 教育, industrial/organizational psychology and/or marriage and family therapy.

和其他五个硕士学位项目一样, the 文学硕士(商业及应用神学) consists of 78 quarter credits (i.e., 52 semester credits) of coursework — 39 credits of core courses, 39学分的专业课程. You may transfer easily from this degree program to any of the others or to the MDiv程序, if your professional objectives change during your course of study.

University and program requirements 对入学 into any of the MA in 神学 programs include:

  • 本科以上学历 从一个地区认可的机构. Applicants must have had a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 in the last 45 quarter credits (30 semester credits) of course work completed before applying 对入学 or in all undergraduate work, 取较高者.
  • 成功提交所有 other materials and documents required 对入学, as detailed below.


To enroll in any of 西雅图太平洋神学院's Master of Arts 神学 programs, you must submit:

  1. An 网上研究生申请 对入学.
  2. 50美元的处理费.
  3. 官方成绩单 所有本科院校.
  4. 两封推荐信: 一封来自牧师, 教会职员, or parachurch professional who will attest to the your emotional, 精神上的, and academic readiness for graduate theological study; and (2) one academic reference from a former professor who knows your academic work well.
  5. 打印的个人陈述. 陈述应该是三到四页的长度. 求职信应该阐述你的职业目标, 叙述你个人的基督教经历, rationale for seeking the degree and choosing to attend SPU, 以及其他你认为合适的见解.


  • 申请人不是美国公民或永久居民.S. residents must provide an official confidential affidavit of financial support covering the first year of intended enrollment. Without this document, SPU cannot issue an I-20 immigration form.
  • 持有本科或研究生学位的学生 from colleges, universities and/or seminaries located outside the U.S. are expected to have their transcripts evaluated by a professional credential agency. Such an evaluation is required before an application 对入学 to SPS can be granted and before any graduate credits taken elsewhere can be applied to an SPS degree.
  • 英语水平: 如果你的第一语言不是英语,那么你就不应该说英语 还必须提交分数上的 测试 作为一门外语的英语 (托福). 最低分数为600分 the TOFEL paper or 250 on the TOFEL-CBT, or 100 on the TOFEL-IBT is required. 不接受ACE成绩.


The 西雅图太平洋神学院 招生 Committee will evaluate you application based on a combination of your previous coursework, 学术成就, 专业经验, 情感和精神上的准备, 个人目标.

Ad任务 to the program will be made by the 西雅图太平洋神学院 招生 Committee and communicated to you in conjunction with 研究生招生.


If you wish to apply graduate-level coursework completed at a regionally accredited university or an ATS-accredited divinity school or seminary toward your MA in 神学 program, 你必须提供正式成绩单和成绩单, 在某些情况下, 课程教学大纲. You may transfer up to 27 quarter credits from other graduate programs.


  • 每门课程必须 at least 3 graduate-quarter credits and be equivalent to courses taught in the 西雅图太平洋神学院.
  • 每门课程都会被考虑 on a case-by-case basis as to the fulfillment of specific curricular requirements.
  • 最低成绩为B 是否需要转移工作.
  • 所有课程 the graduate degree must be taken within seven years of ad任务.
  • 在所有情况下, the final 27 MA in 神学 credits must be taken at SPU.


If you (1) have been granted a master’s degree from another regionally accredited university or (2) have taken graduate level coursework in 神学 or a field related to the cross-disciplinary courses offered in the student ministry and culture or business and applied 神学 tracks, you will have your transcripts evaluated during the ad任务s process.


申请截止日期为5月15日, although it is recommended that you complete application materials before April 1 to be eligible for 金融援助.

