

教育领导教育学硕士 program is designed to prepare you for a position as a 学校校长 or program leader in the elementary or secondary school.

除了校内课程, graduate education courses in school administration are offered synchronously online.

A School Principal or Program Administrator “Certificate Only” program (30 credits) are also available for those who already hold a master’s or other advanced degree.

这个学位是由 专业教育工作者标准委员会 (PESB). Its successful completion will qualify you for a Washington Residency P–12 Certificate as a 学校校长 or 项目管理员.

School Principal or Program Administrator “Certificate Only” Program (30 credits)

Applicants who otherwise qualify to enter the educational leadership program and already have a master’s or other advanced degree need not complete a second master’s degree to obtain certification as a 学校校长 or 项目管理员.

It is necessary to complete only the 学校校长 or 项目管理员 certification courses (21 credits) and internship (9 credits). 的 same guidelines and procedures for program admission apply.


A year-long (9-credit) internship is a part of both the master’s degree program in 教育领导 and the 主要认证-only or Program Administrator-only program. 这是至关重要的, integrative experience in which you perform administrative activities while being supervised in a school-区 setting. 首要目标是为你, 实习生, to acquire and practice the skills of effective management and leadership. 实习 experiences will center on those competencies and skills defined in the Washington Administrative Code and by the National 政策 Board for Education Administration.

Each applicant to the educational leadership program must have at least three years of documented successful school-based experience in an instructional role with students, as either a certificated classroom teacher or in an ESA role.

Those in the 项目管理员 program are not required to hold a teaching or ESA certificate, but they must have at least one year of documented successful school, 区, 或者校内体验.


申请人已获得 实习主要 or 项目管理员证书 from SPU may earn the other certificate (either Principal or Program Administrator) by completing 6 additional internship credits, along with an elective course that matches your interests.

A valid teaching or ESA certificate is required for those who wish to add a principal certificate.

Students must complete all coursework for the second certificate within three years of earning the previous certificate.


在节目的最后, students will complete a written comprehensive exam that is based on both coursework and internship experiences. Arrangements for taking the exam are made through the program chair.


申请人必须提交下列资料至 研究生招生:

  • 在线申请 50美元的申请 手续费.
  • Copy of current Washington state teaching certificate, front and back (not required for 项目管理员证书 candidates).
  • 官方成绩单(s) 来自每个学院/大学.
    • 如果你的学位不是美国大学的.S. college or university, please arrange for your transcript to be evaluated by a nace成员-认可的凭证服务. Acceptable credential services include, but are not limited to, 世界教育服务 (韦斯)和 国际服务基金会 (FIS).
  • 的简历.
  • 个人陈述 (1 - 2页).
  • 平均绩点不低于3分.0 (4.0 = A) in the last 45 quarter credits of coursework completed.*
  • 两封推荐信 (一个主管,一个专业).
    • Recommendations must come from present principals and other school administrators who recommend support of your pursuit of administrative certification.
    • At least one of the letters must be from a school-区 level administrator who affirms 区 support for you to conduct a year-long administrative internship, school-based for principal certification and/or 区 based for a 项目管理员.
  • 核实工作经验表格 — required for anyone seeking a Washington state Principal Certificate.

GRE(研究生入学考试) or 米勒类比测验 如果平均绩点低于3分,是否需要.0. On the GRE, preferred minimum scores of Verbal: 148 and Quantitative: 147. 在MAT上,最低分数为400分.


  • 学生必须连续入学 在SPU必修课程中获得硕士学位, 或者直到正式退出这个项目. Exceptions to continuous enrollment must be approved by the program director.
  • 学生可以获准休假 最多四个季度由项目主管负责. 一旦休假期满, the student will either enroll in graduate coursework or be dropped from the program.
  • 大学学术政策要求 continuous enrollment to remain admitted in a graduate program. 经过四个季度的不登记, students will be placed in “inactive status” and will need to reapply for admission.
  • If a student decides to no longer pursue a master’s degree, the student may officially withdraw from the program and SPU by notifying the program director and the associate director of graduate programs.


录取材料请寄至 研究生招生. If you have questions about graduate education or certification programs: