
西雅图太平洋神学院 students at Camp Casey.
Do you want your graduate studies to affect not just your mind, but also your heart? At the 西雅图太平洋神学院, you’ll join a fellowship of learning, 门徒, 敬拜, 和任务. Your study of theology can flourish. With a unique model of theological education we call “学院,修道院,使徒®,” SPS will equip you for ministry in the 21st century.

作为一名SPS学生, you can choose a Master of 神性(MDiv), a 神学文学硕士 (MA) degree, or a Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies. Each supports SPU’s vision to engage the culture and change the world with the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. 



Professional Licensure Disclosure

项目 in the 神学院 meet the educational requirements for denominational ordination, which are not regulated by any states, due to the First Amendment of the U.S. 宪法.

The Master of 神性(MDiv) degree provides the education necessary for ordination in several Christian denominations: the Free Methodist Church; the United Methodist Church; the Presbyterian Church in the USA; and others. These ordination requirements do not differ by state, only by denomination.