
  • 政治科学 (major, minor, and tracks)

The 政治科学 major equips you to become a leader and citizen who can influence politics and 公共政策 informed by Christian faith and tradition. 作为SPU政治学专业的学生, you will wrestle with some of the most fundamental questions underlying faith and the political order.

  • 这是什么关系? between Christian principles and 公共政策?
  • 基督徒如何做榜样 both the character and truth of Jesus Christ in the public square?
  • 网易彩票app应该怎样生活 in local, national, and global community?

To assist in the exploration of these questions, you will receive broad training in political philosophy, 政府, 法律, 公共政策, 地缘政治, 国际关系, and the political behavior of individuals and groups.You are also provided with peer support and co-curricular activities through the SPU政治联盟这是一个无党派学生组织.

了解更多网易彩票app这个项目的信息 mission, vision, and learning outcomes.


  • A minimum 53–58 credits are required for this major, 包括25个高年级学分.
  • 你将在 三个跟踪: General; Public 政策 and Law; or International Affairs.
  • 只要有可能, take POL 4643 “Methods of Political Analysis” 在大三的时候.
  • You are strongly encouraged to take POL 4940 “Political Internships,” and department faculty will work with you to arrange an Internship appropriate to your career interests.
  • No more than a total of 10 hours of Internship or 独立学习 can be applied to meet your requirement, but you may add additional credits above the required hours, 如果你愿意.
  • 你被鼓励去实现 your 研究性课程 mathematics requirement prior to the spring of your senior year by taking a statistics course such as SOC 2360 “Introduction to Statistics in Social and Behavioral 科学,” or, MAT 1300 “Introduction to Statistical Reasoning”.


If you wish to enhance your degree with additional specialization, applied coursework beyond the required credits and in associated majors or minors can be arranged in consultation with the 政治科学 advisor.

  • POL “4940 Political Internships” is strongly suggested as an elective in the 政治科学-Public 政策 and Law Track.
  • At least one year of a foreign language or equivalent is recommended, and more than this is strongly encouraged in the 政治科学-International Affairs Track.


The 政治科学 major has rolling admission. The 商学院,政府, and 经济学 accepts 在线应用程序 to the 政治科学 major year-round. To qualify for admission to the major, you must:

  • 至少完成 5 credits in 政治科学 coursework.
  • 有一个2.5平均绩点 在所有政治学课程中.
  • 完成主要要求 in effect at the time you are admitted to the major.



你可以正式 在线申请 year-round for the 政治学辅修. If you have any general questions about minors in the SBGE, email Dr. 迪克·斯莱特(sl8@bb-led.com). 

  • 至少需要30个学分, 包括15个高年级学分.
  • 在申请之前,你必须完成 at least 5 credits in 政治科学 and have a 2.5平均绩点 in 政治学课程 to date.


Certification With Elementary Education Endorsement

If you plan to teach in an elementary school and are interested in teaching 政治科学 or Geography, 你必须主修 综合研究专业 with a concentration in social sciences. Further information can be found on the 教育学院网站.

Certification With Secondary Education Endorsement

If you plan to obtain secondary Residency Teacher Certification with an endorsement in 政治科学, you should pursue a BA in 政治科学, 你也必须完成 requirements for a Secondary Education Endorsement 通过教育学院.


The 政治科学 Department offers several courses that focus on the intersection between faith and public life:

  • 波尔2641年 基督教与美国政治
  • 波尔2642年 基督教与世界政治
  • 波尔2900年 “领导力基础”
  • 波尔3410年 “民主的道德基础”
  • POL 4899 “政治学顶点研讨会”



访问 政治科学 on the 商学院,政府, and 经济学 website and see how this degree can help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.

时间表: 政治科学 and Geography


建议课程顺序 help you complete your degree in a timely manner.

American Studies Program in Washington, D.C. 

You can go on a special study program in Washington, D.C.,以丰富你的学术经验. For more information about this special study program, contact Dr. 里德·戴维斯(rdavis@bb-led.com).