School of 健康 科学



自1936年以来, SPU’s School of 健康 科学 has created exciting new career paths, including opportunities in clinical care, 专业实践, 教育, 学者, and practice in diverse clinical populations.

从一开始, the 护理 program’s central theme and 哲学 of promoting and supporting high-quality nursing has remained constant. Our strategic plan guides decisions and actions based on our mission, 核心价值观, 哲学, 和计划. Connections with clinical agencies, 护理领导人, and 教育al institutions continue to bring SPU’s 护理 program a high regard within the region. Our students and graduates graduate with a high level of knowledge, 技能, and with hearts for service.

In 2014, the 健康 and Human Performance Department joined the School, adding 运动科学 and 健康 and Fitness Education to the School’s opportunities for students. 的 faculty and staff in the HHP department are committed to delivering programs that promote health through physical activity while valuing and examining physical activity through a Christian worldview. HHP’s primary goal is to promote healthy lifestyles through good decision-making, 改善健康, and lifetime movement 技能.

就业中心 and 调用

Your career, your calling

的 就业中心 and 调用 helps you explore your vocational calling through career counseling and advising, 职业测试, 研讨会, 职业活动, 还有职业课程.


School of 健康 科学

参观 School of 健康 科学 to see how a degree from the School of 健康 科学 can help you achieve your goals to make a difference in the world.