

网易彩票下载 seeks to inspire in each of its students a sincere appreciation for genuine scholarly work and an earnest desire to study. The faculty Curriculum Committee has immediate jurisdiction over all questions pertaining to scholarship and is responsible to the faculty for maintenance of university standards.


A breach of academic integrity occurs when students receive academic benefits they did not earn through their own work. In its more blatant forms, academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to:

  • Copying another individual’s work on an exam.
  • Preparing for an exam by using test questions from a stolen exam.
  • 带着隐藏的答案参加考试.
  • Turning in another person’s work as their own.
  • Committing plagiarism; that is, copying portions of another’s words from a published or electronic source without acknowledging that source.

It is not dishonest to discuss possible answers to an exam question as part of a study group, to discuss ideas for a paper with other members of the class, or to ask a friend to read a draft of a paper for suggestions to improve it, unless the professor has prohibited these activities.  

It is not dishonest to summarize, paraphrase, or quote the words of others in a paper, 演讲, or other academic work so long as the student acknowledges the sources with appropriate citations.


The penalties for breaches of academic integrity shall be clearly spelled out in a course syllabus; they may range from no credit for the work in question to no credit for the course. Both the students and the instructor have obligations to report and to prevent cheating, plagiarism or other academic misconduct. If the instructor suspects academic dishonesty, the following guidelines apply:

  1. 讲师安排了一次会议 with the student to discuss the incident.
  2. 如果会议结束后, the instructor is convinced that the student violated academic integrity; the instructor may propose appropriate action. If the student accepts such action as appropriate, both student and instructor will verify this in writing and no further penalty will be necessary.
  3. 如果没有达成协议 between the instructor and the student, the instructor may propose a grade penalty against the student by notifying the appropriate school dean in writing with 支持的证据. The penalty imposed will be commensurate with the degree of offense, from loss of credit for the work involved in the infraction to loss of credit for the entire course, such penalty to be determined in consultation with the school dean. 通知, 支持的证据, and the school dean’s written concurrence with the penalty will be sent to the 教务处副教务长 for inclusion in the student’s personal file. 基于对记录的回顾, if this is determined to be a first offense it will remain in the files of the 教务处副教务长. If the VPAA receives a second notification of a violation of academic integrity the VPAA will notify the 负责网易彩票下载的副总裁, at which time a violation of academic integrity becomes part of a student’s permanent file. The student may appeal this action by following the process outlined under “appeals of student academic complaints.”
  4. If the act of dishonesty is associated with a criminal act (e.g. breaking into a faculty office) or with concerted group effort (all or part of a class), such cases will be immediately referred to the 负责网易彩票下载的副总裁.