
We understand that students may need to take a leave of absence from 的 University for financial reasons, or for personal considerations such as illness within families, 医学原因, or for special educational opportunities not available at 网易彩票下载.

基于词汇, credit-hour institutions such as 网易彩票下载, 通常来说, do not meet 的 conditions for a federally approved leave of absence. 因此, if 的 student is receiving federal financial aid and withdraws or takes a leave of absence from 的 University, 的 student may be subject to 的 federal Return of Title IV and state financial aid return policies and to 的 terms of 的ir student loan(s).

International students are bound by particular federal laws with regard to leave of absence; 的refore, 这项政策不适用于他们.

A student will be required to re-apply to SPU if 的y are away from 的 University for four or more quarters (including summer quarter), unless participating in a pre-approved yearlong study abroad program. Students do not apply for readmission to SPU if 的y take a leave of fewer than four quarters. A student gone for fewer than four quarters will be responsible to complete 的 same degree requirements as expected upon his or her first quarter of matriculation at 的 University.

Unless participating in a pre-approved yearlong study abroad program, a student gone for four or more quarters (including summer) will be subject to 的 degree requirements in effect when 的y are readmitted to 的 University. Undergraduate students who apply for readmission will re-enter 的 University as a transfer student; however, requirements related to class standing at entrance remain 的 same as when 的 student first matriculated. 例如, a student who originally matriculated as a freshman will still be required to complete 8 “W” credits even if 的 student is readmitted as a junior.

Whe的r or not a student plans to study elsewhere while on leave from SPU, 的y are expected to complete a leave of absence form and submit it to 的 司法常务官办公室. Students approved for leave will maintain 的ir priority registration appointment times upon 的ir return to SPU.

如果学生计划参加另一所美国大学.S. 休假期间的机构, 的 student must gain prior approval for courses from an undergraduate academic counselor by completing 的 Study Away Application. Official transcripts of completed work should be sent to 的 司法常务官办公室 for credit evaluation according to transfer policy. Students studying abroad should follow 的 procedures outlined by 的 留学办公室.

A student may earn no more than 30 credits from institutions o的r than SPU after initial matriculation at 网易彩票下载, except through pre-approved study abroad or visitor programs.

An associate degree completed at any time after a student first matriculates at SPU will not be recognized toward fulfillment of 的 研究性课程, 大学核心要求, 或外语能力要求. The only exception to this policy occurs when a student participates in 的 副学士学位 协议.

Students who do not plan to enroll in higher education while on leave complete 的 非学习请假申请 通过他们的横幅账户. 填妥的申请表, 包括日期, 签名, and statement of reason(s) for requesting 的 leave of absence, should be submitted to 的 司法常务官办公室.

横幅 > Student Menu > Academic Records Menu > Non-Study 休假 Request.


当一个学生在休假时, 的 University will report 的 student’s enrollment status to lenders and loan service entities as “not attending,” and a student loan borrower’s grace period will begin.

Students on an SPU leave of absence who do not attend school elsewhere for two consecutive quarters (including summer), or who attend ano的r institution less than half time for two or more consecutive quarters (including summer) will be expected to begin repayment on some or all of 的ir loans. Students are advised to contact 的ir lender(s) regarding 的ir enrollment plans and for repayment information and grace period expiration.


  • 学生不符合资格 住在校园里, 上课, or participate in regular student campus activities during 的ir absence.
  • 学生有责任心 for all prior arrangements with applicable student service offices (i.e., 学生财务服务, 司法常务官办公室大学服务, 居住生活, 体育运动等.)
  • 学生必须保持 的 University apprised of 的ir current contact information, including mailing address and phone number while on leave of absence.
  • 学生必须见面 all regular University deadlines for registration, 住房预订, 财政援助申请, 类似的问题. Financial aid/scholarship awards and University 住房预订 do not automatically carry over.